The weather continues to taunt us


Green shoots are peeking up all over outside, daffodils and crocuses mostly, because clearly the single degree weather will not return now that it is in the fifties.

This is not to say that everything was dead in the first place. My herb garden has decided that winter is a wuss, so why bother giving in? The sage is still going strong (I Pshaw, winteractually popped outside on one of the single degree days to grab a few sage leaves for the soup) and the oregano has been quietly seizing the opportunity to take over all the undefended real estate. At some point it’s going to run into the creeping thyme and there will be war.


These are my happy thoughts
These are my happy thoughts…

Sometimes I forget to take P365 photos until right before bed and madly look around the room for anything that might work. This is one of those times. (I was too busy geeking out about Game of Thrones and Sherlock…)

Time Machine & Technical Difficulties: Jan 9 & 10

Mmm... soup
Homemade, except for the noodles.

Not much actually happened on the 9th. It was not as cold as it was earlier in the week is about the best that can be said for it. So I made soup.

Sadly, the photo for January 10 was eaten by my computer (It would be unfair to blame Google entirely, because I had a hand in it, but a newly updated version of Picasa didn’t help. Apparently when it updated, it defaulted back to ‘delete after uploading’. So when I accidentally deleted it from the computer and went to get it from the camera card again, no dice. It was an orchid photo.


I hate it when this happens

You know when you read a book all the way through, and you don’t dislike it, but you finish it with a vague feeling of disgruntlement, as if there was something better you could have done with your time? That’s how I feel about the book I just finished. (Chuck Palahniuk’s Damned, if you’re curious.)

What’s worse, I can’t decide if I should pick up the sequel from the library or not. On the one hand, I’m irritated that there was no resolution to Damned. It literally ended “to be continued…” On the other hand, going by reviews on GoodReads, it sounds like the sequel is more of the same, and chances are I will probably finish that book with the same feeling as right now, plus the added irritation that I was silly enough to waste time on it when I should have known better.

I need to find someone who reads Palahniuk and ask if this is representative of his work. If it is, I can cross him off my to-read list permanently.

And back again

Blowing bubbles in single degree weather is fun. Yes, we’re back to single digit temperatures. In Fahrenheit.

Turns out those photographers who took photos of frozen bubbles have more practice (time? resistance to cold?) than I do. It’s actually quite hard to get your bubbles to land in one piece. But when they don’t, they don’t pop- they end up looking like bits of very thin plastic wrap. It’s very bizarre. I want to try it again with more layers so my legs don’t decide that it’s time to go inside and sit by the heater thankyouverymuch.

And for anyone who thought the title of this post was a Hobbit reference, at some point I will get around to posting a rant about a certain Kiwi director’s horrible fanfaction. But not right now, because I am making soup and it is nearly done.

Interesting weather we’re having…

Frosty's remains

Alas, poor Frosty, we scarcely knew him…

Yesterday evening, it was below freezing. Not longUsed Snowman after midnight, it was in the fifties. (Fahrenheit.) This morning when I got up (which I should mention was at 7:30, not noon) it was 57. This was bad for snowmen.  Small snowmen, such as preschool kids might make on their own, didn’t survive. Slightly larger specimens now look like this. I can’t decide if it’s modern art or ancient ruins, but it definitely no longer looks like a snowman.

Yesterday’s photo

Belated, because I didn’t remember until right before I turned in for the night… the tree is down now, I had great fun chucking it out the window. (It’s a tradition. It’s also easier than me wrestling a tree as big as I am through the house to the door when there’s a window right there.)