Category Archives: books

I hate it when this happens

You know when you read a book all the way through, and you don’t dislike it, but you finish it with a vague feeling of disgruntlement, as if there was something better you could have done with your time? That’s how I feel about the book I just finished. (Chuck Palahniuk’s Damned, if you’re curious.)

What’s worse, I can’t decide if I should pick up the sequel from the library or not. On the one hand, I’m irritated that there was no resolution to Damned. It literally ended “to be continued…” On the other hand, going by reviews on GoodReads, it sounds like the sequel is more of the same, and chances are I will probably finish that book with the same feeling as right now, plus the added irritation that I was silly enough to waste time on it when I should have known better.

I need to find someone who reads Palahniuk and ask if this is representative of his work. If it is, I can cross him off my to-read list permanently.


There is nothing more irritating than having mislaid a book. This is why some books on my ‘currently reading’ shelf on GoodReads have been there for months. (Ok, in one case, years. That one I found. I’m finishing it tomorrow.)

I cannot find one of my books anywhere. Starting to worry I accidentally turned it in to the book exchange before I finished it.

Does anyone else have this problem? Just me? Thought so. *sigh*

My year in books

I suppose I should thank GoodReads, for making it possible for me to not only keep track of everything* I’ve read this year, but also giving me a handy way to show people. That said, going by the numbers I have done markedly less reading this year than in the past few years. Either I have mucked up and forgotten to add a bunch of books, or Candy Crush cut into reading time a lot more than I realized.books

*Everything except re-reads. There’s somewhere between a dozen and two dozen of those.